Company Policies
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HR Policy
We at Koso discourage and condemn all types of harassment. Harassment, whether verbal, physical, or visual, which is based on any of these characteristics is a form of discrimination.
Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment is a prohibited form of discrimination under this policy and can include harassment based on an individual’s sex, race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, etc. Such harassment can take many forms and includes unwelcome verbal or physical conduct directed against a fellow employee or third party (e.g., customer or supplier) such as distributing or posting (electronically or otherwise) hate literature, making fun of or defaming a member of a particular religion, race, sex, etc., through use of inappropriate stereo types, telling offensive jokes, use of ethnic slurs or taking other actions which have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is a specific form of workplace harassment which includes unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors where submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual. Sexual harassment also includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or based on a person’s sex where such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.All personnel who are responsible for hiring and promoting employees are strongly asked to support this effort and to respond promptly and appropriately to any concerns that are brought to their attention.
All managers and senior employees are strongly asked to support and educate their teams for maintaining the sanctity of this policy.
It is the responsibility of each employee to strictly follow this policy without any deviations.
Penalty for Violation
Employees who violate the policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Violation of this policy can also mean breaking the law, subjecting you to criminal penalties or jail sentences or civil sanctions (damage awards or fines).Investigation and Confidentiality
All reports describing conduct that is inconsistent with these policies will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. Complaints about violations of these policies will be handled discreetly, with facts made available only to those who need to know to investigate and resolve the matter. These complaints shall be made by the victim without any fear of retaliation and shall be dealt strictly as per the law.Reporting
It is the responsibility of all to report any incidences of discrimination or harassment whether against them or a third party. All Complaints should be made to the HR manager or the Managing Director as deemed appropriate.ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW POLICY
The Objective of Performance Appraisal Review System in KOSO is to assess objectively the performance and potential of the employee, to develop them and to determine their career path.Background
The strength of an organization is its people. If we recognize their talent, develop their capabilities and utilize them appropriately, they will contribute to the long-term excellence of the organization. Therefore it is imperative to assess objectively the performance, assess their potential for growth.To set a process wherein Employee’s immediate Superior / Head Of the Department will review the performance of each eligible employee on a yearly basis using the Self-Appraisal form, and thus evaluate and improve the employees knowledge, skills and attitude and to facilitate their overall individual development. The Self-Appraisal Review System has the following features:
* Focus on the development and utilization of an employee* Transparency and openness in the system
* Emphasis on the potential assessment and career plan of an employee
* Identification of training and development needs
* Identification of strengths and improvement areas
* Review job expectations
* Check ongoing performance
* Recognize individuals
* Building the Organization & Business
Yearly Appraisal - KRA to be fixed by HODEligibility
The employee who has completed up to and over 180 of continuous services in the organization.Appraiser: Managing Director
Reviewer: The Departmental Head of the appraise or Directors of the department
KRA will consist of Key parameters on which the employee performance will be evaluated. KRA will be prepared by HOD’s and issued to respective employee at the beginning of the year. The total number of points in each KRA shall be 100. Employee performance and subsequent appraisal will be a derivative of the points achieve by the employee. Some qualitative points (Maximum 25%) shall also be incorporated in KRA which will be evaluated by HOD.1. KRA will be given to all employees (Asst. Manager & above) every year with their performance reward
2. Self-Appraisal based on KRA shall be submitted to HOD by employee.
3. Evaluation of KRA will be assessed by HOD twice in a year i.e. October and April
Operative Process
Every year in the month of March, Head HR will distribute the Self-Appraisal form to all the employee who has completed one year services in the company with a date to submit duly filled up form with Self goal and target, training required for the next year.An appraisal is a meeting / discussion between employee and employees Superior / Manager to discuss employees’ performance in order to plan together employee’s future. It gives you a chance to think about how an employee has performed since the last appraisal or since joining the organization and to agree future performance objectives.
Listed in appraisal forms would be the qualities / skills that are important in an employee’s job.
Further to the rating the HR Department will receive the forms and prepare the final data of rating status and track the same.
The consolidated data is presented to the Top management for further decision regarding conversion of performance points into salary increment, promotion or any other such decisions.
Performance incentive to other employees will be declared by MD based on the company performance.
Employees who are required to proceed on outstation duties within the country shall be governed by the rules and regulations concerning the procedure, mode of travel, daily allowance etc.General
Any employee required to proceed on outstation duties shall obtain permission from the respective department heads or General Manager in company’s ‘Travel Instruction’ format.Travel advance form shall be duly filled and submitted to finance.
Normally all the tickets shall be purchased by the HR/finance department. In case of emergency, or where tickets are purchased by the employee, proof of ticket/details of the ticket No./PNR No. should be attached/indicated in the travel expense statement.
If for any reason, the proposed journey is postponed or cancelled, the responsibility for cancellation and obtaining endorsements of the tickets rests with the concerned employee and such cancelled/endorsed tickets should be returned immediately to the company’s travel agents with information to the finance department as the case may be for arranging refund.
Any visit to customer site for providing service shall be made only on the receipt of customer request. On the completion of service a detailed service report should be submitted along with the travel bills.
Expenses statement for the journey shall be submitted to the finance department within 7 days of the completion of outstation duty. The finance department shall not settle the expenses before the approval of department head on the expenses.
Any advance recoverable from the employee from the travel advance shall be returned within 3 days of the settlement of the travel bills.
Finance department shall settle the travel bills within 7 days of the submission.
Daily allowance and out of pocket allowance will be payable if the travel is for more than 24 hours.
Daily allowance and out of pocket allowance wherever applicable as per the rules shall be claimed on the basis of each tour day comprising of 24 hours from the scheduled time of departure to the scheduled time of arrival of bus/train/place, etc. Any subsequent period of a tour day in excess of 8 hours shall be reckoned as a full tour day.
Outstation journey undertaken for more than 15 hours but less than 24 hours, the daily allowance and out of pocket allowance will be on a full day basis.
Outstation journey undertaken for less than 15 hours, the daily allowance and out of pocket allowance will be on a half day basis.
If Food Lunch/Dinner is taken in the hotel of stay, then it will be reimbursed at actual, but in this case no daily food allowance will be given.
If Food Lunch/Dinner is provided by the customer/client/office/ attending Seminar /Training v, then the daily food allowance will 50% of the amount applicable/available.
Daily allowance is admissible if the employees make their own arrangement to cover accommodation, food and conveyance etc.
No claim for alcoholic drinks and cigarettes is admissible.
Accommodation allowance is admissible for outstation journey exceeding 15 hours.
Mode of travel
Employees shall travel by the most economic mode of travel. In case of air travel the same shall be in economy class only, approved by the concerned department head and boarding pass to be submitted along with the travel statement.Travel Category I
(For journey more than 12 hours)
Sr. Managers By Air (Economy class), By Train - II AC
Management staff By Air (Economy class), By Train - II AC
All other employees By Train - I Class / II AC
Travel Category II
(For journey more than 6 hours but less than 12 hours)
Sr. Managers By Swift Dzire or equivalent
Management staff By Train- II AC or III AC/ Taxi (Tata Indica or equivalent)
All other employees By Train- II/III AC Sleeper
Travel Category III
(For journey less than 6 hours)
Sr. Managers By Swift Dzire or equivalent
Management staff AC chair car / AC Taxi (Tata Indica or equivalent) / AC Bus
All other employees II Class / Bus / AC Sleeper
Irrespective of such entitlement, employees travelling by class lower than the entitlement shall claim reimbursement for only the actual fare.
Expenses for Excess Baggage will not be reimbursed by the company.
Company provided assets with the employees like laptops, mobile phones etc will be covered by a company insurance policy.
Accommodation allowance (in case of hotels - exclusive of taxes)
Major city
Directors At Actuals
Sr. Managers Rs. 5,000/- Per day
Management Staff Rs. 3,500/- Per day
All other employees Rs. 2,500/- Per day
Other city
Directors At Actuals
Sr. Managers Rs. 4,000/- Per day
Management Staff Rs. 3,000/- Per day
All other employees Rs. 2,000/- Per day
Daily Food Allowance
Directors At Actuals
Sr. Managers At actuals subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,000/- Per day
Management Staff At actuals subject to a maximum of Rs. 500/- Per day
All other employees At actuals subject to a maximum of Rs. 400/- Per day
If employee is travelling by Train / Bus / Taxi in that case if food bill is not available in that case 80% of the above will be paid.
Out of pocket expenses
Directors NIL
Management Staff Rs. 100/- Per day
All other employees Rs. 100/- Per day
Out of pocket expenses - For paid Service only (For Service Engineer)
Off - shore Rs. 1,000/- Per day
On - shore Rs. 500/- Per day
Out of pocket allowance includes sundry expenses like reading materials, laundry expenses, and other personal expenses like personal telephone calls while on tour, entertainment, tips, food/snacks etc.
Major city
Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkotta, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi, Ahmedabad, Varodara, Pune, Bhopal, Varanashi, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Lucknow. Gurgaon.
Money insurance
Any employee travelling on official company tour in India can be provided with a travel advance- up to Rs. 3,000 in cash and above that by cheque- as per requirement.
If this money is lost by the employee then the company will not be responsible for this loss and the amount lost will be recovered from the employee. As there is no insurance policy available for this, there is no recourse available.
Sr. Managers: include AGM, DGM, Sr Managers
Management Staff: includes Managers, Dy. Managers and Asst. Managers
Other employees: includes engineers, inspectors, officers, MT's
All deviations should be pre-approved by the respective department head/Directors.
Daily allowance
Accommodation Allowance At ActualClass and tariff for accommodation shall be agreed and approved before travel
Food Allowance At Actual
For dinner and breakfast, if not provided by the hotel in which the employee is staying
Conveyance At Actual
For conveyance between hotel and place of work only
All the above will be reimbursed on the production of Bills/vouchers and credit card statement.
Where bills/ vouchers are not available, it will require approval of the head of the department and General Manager
Out of pocket Allowance USD 10 per day
This will include sundry expenses like reading materials, laundry expenses, and other personal expenses like personal telephone calls while on tour, entertainment, tips, food/snacks etc.
The employees should make sure that the balance un-utilized foreign currency is returned to the company. While on tour, employees should use the credit card to the extent possible.
The allowance/reimbursements will be subject to the RBI rules and regulations prevailing at the time. The payment/recovery will be made as per the exchange rate at the time of employees return to India.
Work permit and Visas
Work permit and Visa charges will be paid/reimbursed by the company at actual.Unaccompanied personal baggage
Cost of any excess baggage will be born by the employee.
Medical Insurance
It is compulsory for an employee travelling abroad to have an overseas mediclaim policy and HR department will ensure the same. This will be paid for by the company.Travel Statement
The employee should submit their travel bills within 1 week of returning to office.Expenses made though credit card will be reimbursed at the conversion rate used in the credit card statement. For this the employee must submit his credit card bill to the company failing which the company will reimburse these expenses at the exchange rate prevailing at the time of settlement of bill.
As credit card statements may not be available at the time of submission of travel bills, the credit card statements can be submitted later (but within 45 days) and the employee can avail a travel advance to pay for the credit card bills in case of any unforeseen delays for settlement of bills.
Money Insurance
Any employee travelling on official company tour outside India can be provided with a travel advance in foreign currency as per requirement. This can be through foreign currency or through currency cards.If this money is lost by the employee then the company will not be responsible for this loss and the amount lost will be recovered from the employee. As there is no insurance policy available for this, there is no recourse available.
To reimburse employees the cost of relocation to Nashik, or any other place where the company positions the employee.(If agreed during Interview )Principle
The Company will reimburse an employee the below mentioned amounts1. Hotel Accommodation in a company nominated hotel for 7 days (1 room). In addition the company will reimburse for food (dinner) and laundry for the above mentioned period of stay. Alcohol consumption, phone call charges or any other charges not mentioned above shall be borne by the employee.
2. Hotel Accommodation will be on twin sharing basis and no separate room will be provided for children, spouse, relatives etc.
3. Transfer of household equipment’s, clothing, furniture and fixtures from the present place of stay to Nashik (or any other place where the employee is posted) will be borne by the company. This should be arranged by the employee and prior approval of company should be taken. The company will not be responsible for any damage of any goods during transit.
4. Relocation charges for furniture shifting etc will be borne by the company at actuals or Rs. 20,000/- whichever is lower but will be paid only if agreed during the time of interview
5. Travel from the outstation location to Nashik will be provided by the company. In addition to the employee, the company will reimburse the travel cost of employee’s parents (mother and father) or spouse and children, one way by 2nd/3rd A/C rail ticket
6. Daily food allowance of Rs. 300/- will be paid for 7 days
7. Depending on the designation of the employee the company will arrange return air journey from current place of stay to Nashik once for the purpose of joining
8. Travel shall be by mode prescribed below and by the shortest route possible
Travel Category I
(For journey more than 12 hours)
Management staff By Train – II AC / III AC, By Air Economy class
All other employees By Train - I Class / III AC
Travel Category II
(For journey more than 6 hours but less than 12 hours)
Management staff By Train- I Class / III AC / AC Taxi
All other employees By Train- III AC / AC Taxi
Travel Category III
(For journey less than 6 hours)
Management staff AC chair car / AC Taxi / AC Bus
All other employees II Class /Bus /AC Sleeper
Daily Working Hours
Employee will attend his duty as assigned in shift schedule.There are two categories in staff i.e. Office Staff and Operation Staff.
Office staff will work daily 9 hrs. i. e. ( 6.30pm) from Monday to Friday and avail two days weekly off i.e. Saturday and Sunday.
Sales, Design, Accounts and Finance, HR & Admin will be considered as Office Staff.
Operation staff will work daily 8hrs. (9 to 5.30 pm) from Sunday to Friday and avail Saturday as weekly off.
Operation staff will consist Manufacturing, Maintenance, Planning, Materials, Quality Control and Assurance etc.
There will be half an hour break for Lunch.
List of Holiday
There will be 11 paid Holiday for the year for Nashik plant which includes 26th January,1st May and 15th August as Holiday as per Negotiable Instruments act and rest days will be discussed with and finalize at the beginning of the year.Refer Annexure 1: List of Holiday
This Management Instruction is issued to list the authorised personnel eligible for reimbursement of telephone/mobile expenses.Applicability
Telephone /Mobile connection will be provided by the company to the employees who are eligible for this facility. If the employee has his own connection, the company will reimburse the phone bill for such authorised employees.On leaving the employment of the company the employee shall hand over the SIM card to the company representative and in case of non-compliance, the company shall recover call charges or any other charges made from the said connection after the date of his leaving the employment of the company. As a policy this facility should be used for official purpose as far as possible.
This facility will be provided to the employees listed below.
Designation Amount P.M.
Directors, GM,DGM,AGM, Field sales, Service Engineer Actual Bill
Sr. Manager 1,000
Manager 800
Dy. Manager 600
Asst. Manager and Factory sales 400
To obtain feedback from the departing employee about the Company’s working and other things in order to take corrective measure for the future.A departing employee is a source of valuable information to the Company in creating an awareness of the functional/dysfunctional policies and practice in the organization. A departing candidate will tend to be less hesitant to air his views and be candid in his assessment about the Company and its working environment.
Exit Interview Procedure
Exit interview will be held with the separating employee before his / her last working day, after a formal letter accepting the resignation has been issued to the employee. HR will interview the separating employee. The interview should be open-ended and be conducted in an informal atmosphere where the following information is elicited.- About the new job
- Reasons for leaving
- Employee’s likes and dislikes regarding his work and the Company
- His views about the organizational culture & working atmosphere
- Interaction with employees
- Suggestions for improvement
The interview may be conducted in a way where both the employer and the employee feel comfortable and the maximum information can be elicited.
At the end of each exit interview, an exit interview report will be complied by HR within 3 days of holding the interview as per Exit interview form.
Data collected through exit interviews will be compiled by the HR Department. Six monthly reviews will be done and if any trends or patterns are observed. Thereafter, suitable intervention for change shall be debated, proposed and implemented.
With a view to enable employees to take time off from their work and to enjoy a holiday with their family. The company has provided a policy for reimbursing the travel expenses incurred by the employee along with his / her family members.ELIGIBILITY
This policy is applicable to permanent employees who have been given LTA as a part of their salary.Coverage
All Employees of Koso India Pvt. Ltd.Entitlement
As mentioned in the letter of appointment / CTC letter or Revision Letter.Policy
Leave Travel Assistance (LTA) will be paid once in year basis i.e. from April to March.LTA Claim shall be admissible as a reimbursement within the choice pay option exercised by the employee.
Availment of 6 days PL is mandatory in case rebate is being claimed. Rebate will be provided only in respect of traveling expense incurred during the leave period; Submission of tickets / bills / receipts in original are mandatory for claiming rebate; Rebate shall be permissible as per IT provisions.
Only one claim is admissible during a Financial Year subject to an Income Tax provision. The rebate can be claimed twice in a block of 4 calendar years. The current block of 4 years is applicable.
Two Exemption are allowed in the block of 4 years - 2014-2017.One Journey in a year is allowed for claiming LTA reimbursement.
First class A/C fare for train / Economy class Air fare / state transport tickets etc. to be attached with claim form.
The employee would have to avail a minimum 6 days Privilege leave to claim LTA.
Duly filled LTA claim form (Annexure–1) along with leave application form duly approved by the Functional / Operations head should be forwarded to Human Resources. LTA will not be paid to any employee without completed form and approved leave application.
Any employee joining during the course of the year can claim LTA on pro-rata basis. LTA payment will depend on his/her entitlements and period for which LTA is claimed.
Annexure-1 For LTA you have to take minimum 6 days leave
2. Department : _____________________________
3. (a) No. of family members Relationship Age Whether wholly / mainly dependent Travelled with employee
(b) Entitlement as per terms of appointment
4. Period of leave : From To
Date Place
5. (a) Date & Place of departure:
(b) Date & Place of arrival :
6. Place visited :
7. Particulars of shortest route :
Place From To |
Mode of Travel |
Distance in KM of shortest route |
IAC Fare or Deluxe Bus or Air fare per head as applicable |
Total Amount |
i) | ||||
ii) | ||||
iii) | ||||
TOTAL:________ |
(Proof of exp. incurred, should be furnished)
9. Amount permissible for exemption - The least of Sl. No. 3(b), 7 & 8 :
10. Is exemption sought under the Income-tax Act? : Yes / No
If YES, state if it is the first or Second of journeys for which Exemption is sought in the block of 2014 – 2017.
It is certified that the information furnished above is correct.
Place :
Date : (Signature of Employee)
All employees will be reimbursed medical expenses at actual, subject to the limits specified in their appointment / revision letters.Policy
The reimbursement of medical expenses can be claimed for any medical expenditure incurred by the employee for self and family members.Family members include parents, spouse and children. For women employees parent – in –laws are also included.
Entitlement for this purpose shall be calculated as per the financial year of the company i.e. 1st April of a year to the 31st March of the next year.
Medical reimbursement claims will be reimbursed once in a year or on part basis during the year on providing Medical Bills.
Expenses on cosmetic items, beverages like Horlicks, Complain etc. and health club membership will not be reimbursed as medical expenses.
Medical bills and consultancy fees pertaining to each individual of a family should be submitted separately.
Entitlement amount towards medical reimbursement cannot be accumulates for more than a year. At the end of the year un-availed medical reimbursement will be paid to the employee in the March month salary. Such amount will be paid after deducting Income Tax, as applicable.
In the event of an employee leaving the services of the organization
Balance of pro-rated eligibility till the date of relieving will be made along with the full and final settlement as medical allowance. The employee has to submit bills on or before the last working day for availing I.T exemption.Any person already made, which is in excess of the pro-rata entitlement (i.e. entitlement up to the date of relieving, will be recovered in the full and final settlement.
Employees can avail medical reimbursement by submitting the medical reimbursement form duly filled in along with the cash bills to the HR department.The bills shall be verified by the HR department and will be approved by Manager- HR and forwarded to the Accounts Department for payment.
Date :
The Manager,
Koso India Private Limited
H-33 & 34, MIDC, Ambad,
Nashik – 422010.
I, ………………………………………………………………………………………..... the undersigned do hereby declare that all the medical bills attached with this declaration pertain to the financial year ____________, for medical treatment of myself and my dependent family as per the definition in Income Tax Act and therefore the same is exempt from tax. The company should not deduct any tax on this medical reimbursement.
I hereby state that the above information is correct.
Signature …………………………….
Employee Code …………………………….
Date …………………………….
2. Tickets should be booked by/through HR department except in cases where there is urgency or as decided by department head; on occasions booking directly through credit card with the approval of department head is acceptable.
3. Booking should be in a reputable airline with a track record of safety. This should act as a Base for cost in various class of travel.
4. Booking should be as below for international travel and ideally should be made well in advance for travel
A. Below Directors - Economy class
B. Directors - Premium Economy
5. Booking should be in economy class for domestic travel for all employees including directors.
6. Exceptions for upgrade to higher class is only in urgency and non-availability of designated class tickets.
7. On journey more than 6 hours or where designated class tickets are not available, the HR department may with the prior approval of MD book the employee in immediate next higher class.
8. In case of health problem of the employee and where his travel cannot be avoided, the employee may be booked in higher class by HR with the prior approval of MD.
9. Where the customer/supplier is paying for travel, travel will be made in the class provided by the customer.
10. When employee is travelling with customer and the customer is booked in higher class than what the employee is eligible, the employee can travel in the same class as the customer but only with the prior approval of MD.
11. Employee may upgrade to higher class by paying the difference air fare on his own or through his air miles.
12. Rescheduling of the tickets should be avoided as it leads to high cost and all rescheduling will be strictly done by HR only after receipt of written valid reason from the employee travelling with the approval of his concerned Director.
o Individuals at times are called upon to work on holidays and weekly off. The management is desirous of compensating for such extra work and consequently, these rules are being framed.o These rules will facilitate the grant, monitoring and provision of "Compensatory Off" (as applicable)
o All employees are eligible for Compensatory off EXCEPT Asst.Manager / Dy.Manager / Manager / Sr.Manager / Director.o Minimum working of 4 hours on a holiday or weekly off
o Traveling time to & fro from Residence will be excluded
o Employees who have worked for 8 hours on a holiday or weekly off can avail a full day leave with prior approval of HODo Employees who have worked for less than 8 hours but more than 4 hours on a holiday or weekly off can avail a half day leave with prior approval of HOD
o Not more than 3 days compensatory off can be availed at a timeo While on compensatory off, weekly off and paid Holidays will be excluded for computation
o Prior approval of HOD is required before availing compensatory off
o If employee does not avail the Compensatory Off accumulation within three months, then all Compensatory off leaves accumulated during that period shall automatically lapse.HR POLICIES
You are employee of Koso India Private Limited and may be required to work elsewhere as directed by management from time to time and are liable to transfer to any department, office or establishment forming part of our organization or our associates.Koso India Presently operates from:-
Nashik Location
Palakkad Location
Coimbatore Location
Bangalore Location
Sales & Service centres in different parts of India like Delhi, Baroda and Chennai etc
You will abide by the working hours, which may be changed from time to time in your department, office or establishment where you are posted from time to time.INCREMENTS
Terms and conditions are usually reviewed with effect from 1st April every year. Such increments are not automatic, but will depend upon your performance.LEAVE
Privilege Leave (PL) to permanent employee 20 days per yearPrivilege leave has to be taken with the agreement of the Company and applications are to be submitted 15 days in advance to your superior/Departmental Head for sanctioning.
PL accumulation is permitted up to 120 days and from your 50th year onwards, 50% of entitlement can be carried forward to a maximum of 210 days.
Encashment of privilege Leave is allowed at the time of separation. PL can be applied by completing your leave card.
Sick Leave (SL) to permanent employees and employees on probation maximum of 10 days per year
Sick leave for more than 2 days has to be supported by a Medical Certificate. Sick leave may be accumulated to a maximum of 120 days.
Sick leave encashment is not allowed.
Sick leave will be credited to individual employees records on 1st January of every year along with the carry forward SL, if any, which can be utilised for medical reasons.
Maternity Leave 12 weeks per birth for the first 2 children
On completing 5 years, you can apply for study leave for a maximum of two years without pay. Company shall keep the lien on employment. The higher studies should be related to your functional area. Prior approval of the Dept. Head/HR Head is to be obtained.EXAMINATION LEAVE
In case you are appearing for any examination relevant to your current job/functional area, you are eligible to avail special leave with salary with the prior approval by the Management.Examination leave will be granted only on the examination days against submission of admission ticket. This leave is granted only for the first appearance, i.e. for reappearance employees have to avail their own leave.
You will be continuing as a member of Employees’ Provident Fund and remain a contributor and member of the fund during your employment with the Company subject to the rules of that fund as are in force for the time being or as may be framed in the future.GRATUITY
You will be eligible for gratuity in accordance with Company’s Scheme as applicable.RETIREMENT
You shall retire from the services of the Company upon completion of the age of 58 years. The Company’s decision in regard to your date of birth as per Company’s record shall be final.NOTICE OF TERMINATION
The Company may terminate your employment by giving you two months’ notice or compensation in lieu of notice.You may resign from the Company by giving 60 days’ notice in writing, or compensation will be deducted to cover the notice period.
If you alone or jointly with any other person or persons make, acquire or devise any patents, trademarks, inventions, discovery process or improvement or compile any data relating to any plant, machinery, appliance, project, process, technique or method of manufacture or constructions, the same shall be deemed to have arisen out of and in the course of your employment and the same shall be the property of the Company. If so required by the Company, you will sign and execute all documents and papers to ensure the Company’s ownership for all such patents, inventions, trade and data.GENERAL
a) You will be responsible for the safe keeping and return in good condition of all Company property, including tools, equipment, instruments, books, etc. which may be in your custody, use, care or charge. The Company shall have the right to deduct the money value of all such things from your dues and take such actions as we may deem proper in the event of your failure to account for such property to our satisfaction.b) If you resign from the Company, you are prohibited from join a competitor of the Company in India or elsewhere, for a period of 2 years from the date of your leaving Koso India Pvt Ltd.
c) You will safeguard, protect and preserve all data/ literature/ information developed or acquired by the Company in visual, audio, audio-visual, magnetic, written or any other form, which is to be construed as the intellectual property of the Company, and will ensure that such information will not be communicated, divulged, parted with or removed from the precincts of the Company and by any means whatsoever.
d) You will keep the Company informed of any change in your residential address or civil status.
e) You will abide by the standing orders and/or other Company rules and regulations applicable to you which are in force or which may be framed from time to time.
f) Your employment is subject to Company’s rules and regulations in force now and which may come into force from time to time and such acts or laws and regulations as are applicable and are in force now/ or any such modifications or enactment that may come into force from time to time.
g) You will not without our previous written permission carry on any business or enter for any part of your time in any capacity the services of or be employed by any other firm, Company or person. You will devote your whole time and attention to your duties to promote the interests of our organisation and will not utilize or divulge to any other person or persons any of our trade secrets or affairs. In particular you will not divulge or part with any drawings, quotations, specifications, manufacturing information etc.
h) Company may require you to undergo medical examination by Company’s medical officer or a medical practitioner nominated by the Company, as and when necessary.
Any notice or written communication required to be given to you shall be deemed to have been duly and properly given if delivered to you personally or sent by post to you at your address in India as per Company records.
If you have been employed on a Probationary Period, it will normally be for 6 months. On successful completion of your probationary period, you will be confirmed in employment in writing. In certain cases, if an employee is unable to fit-in with the company culture or with the job profile, the probation period may be extended for a further period of 3 months.If the needs and expectations of the Company are not met, your employment will be terminated without notice or compensation in lieu of notice.
These Company terms and Conditions are subject to change from time to time to meet the needs of the business and or to comply with legislation.
FULL NAME …………………………………………………………………...
Signature ………………………………………… Date …………………….
This Management Instruction is issued to sanction loan to employee for the following cases1. Family Medical emergency
2. Own Marriage
3. Marriage of own children
4. Purchase of house
5. Education of own children
The company will give loan to employee for above mentioned purpose, as it deems fit @ 6% per annum, monthly reducing, rate of interest (see note below) provided the employee has worked for a continuous period of minimum 5 years with the company. The employee must present all documents and evidence to HR to substantiate his eligibility for loan.The amount of loan and the period of repayment will depend on the employee salary, designation and duration of service with the company with the maximum repayment period to be not more than 3 years.
In case the employment is terminated or the employees resigns from the service of the company or for any other reason, the company will recover the outstanding loan amount, along with interest from any dues payable to the employee by or through the company, ie. salary, leave encashment, bonus, gratuity, insurance etc.
In case of employee’s death during his service, the company will recover the loan amount along with interest from any dues payable to him i.e. salary, gratuity, insurance etc.
The outstanding loan amount and interest after adjusting the above stated should be paid by the employee and his or her survivors by cash/cheque.
The loan application should be submitted to finance and should be approved by the respective department head, before the application being placed before the directors for approval.
Loan instalments along with interest will be deducted on a monthly basis from the employee salary. In case in some particular month the salary is not sufficient to deduct the installment, the employee should pay the installment due by cash/cheque.
The company will give priority to the deduction of its loan amount to any other deductions which the employee subsequently adds.
In case of default in repayment of loan, the company can rightfully hold back any dues, certificates and can lodge police complaints against the defaulting employee.
A legal agreement will be drafted by the lawyer which will be signed by the principal borrower, guarantor and the lender.
The employee availing loan needs to furnish a guarantor for the loan availed from the company. The guarantor should be in continuous service with the company for a minimum of 5 years and will be responsible to repay the loan amount together with interest in case the principal borrower defaults.
Loan facility should be availed with due care and there should be a minimum gap 2 years from the end of loan period before the employee again avails this facility.
ApplicabilityThe company will in special cases provide loan to an employee who has worked with the company for a continuous period of less than 5 years; for the purpose of housing, education and other as it seems fit @ 9% per annum, monthly reducing, rate of interest deductible in a maximum of 6 monthly instilments.
The amount of loan will depend on the employee salary, designation but the maximum repayment period shall not exceed 6 months and the maximum loan amount should not exceed Rs. 50,000/-
In case the employment is terminated or the employees resigns from the service of the company or for any other reason, the company will recover the outstanding loan amount, along with interest from any dues payable to the employee by or through the company, ie. salary, leave encashment, bonus, insurance etc.
In case of employee’s death during his service, the company will recover the loan amount along with interest from any dues payable to him ie. salary, insurance etc.
The outstanding loan amount and interest after adjusting the above stated should be paid by the employee and his or her survivors by cash/cheque.
The loan application should be submitted to finance and should be approved by the respective department head, before the application being placed before the directors for approval.
Loan instilments along with interest will be deducted on a monthly basis from the employee salary. In case in some particular month the salary is not sufficient to deduct the installment, the employee should pay the installment due by cash/cheque.
The company will give priority to the deduction of its loan amount to any other deductions which the employee subsequently adds.
In case of default in repayment of loan, the company can rightfully hold back any dues, certificates and can lodge police complaints against the defaulting employee.
A legal agreement will be drafted by the lawyer which will be signed by the principal borrower, guarantor and the lender. The employee availing loan needs to furnish a guarantor for the loan availed from the company. The guarantor should be in continuous service with the company for a minimum of 5 years and will be responsible to repay the loan amount together with interest in case the principal borrower defaults.
Loan facility should be availed with due care and there should be a minimum gap 2 years from the end of loan period before the employee again avails this facility. Further no advances will be extended to the employee during the tenure of the loan.
Interest rate from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2019 | 6% |
Interest rate w.e.f. 1st April 2019 | 8% |
To encourage the employees to use their own vehicle wherever the alternative vehicle hire charges are more expensive.Applicability
The Management Instruction is applicable to all the employees using their vehicle for official work within city limits.The expenses will be reimbursed at the following rates
Use of 4 wheeler | Rs 12.00 per Km |
Use of 2 wheeler | Rs 6.50 per Km |
The claims for travel in the previous month shall be made at the end of the month and no old claims shall be accepted.
Note –Petrol Price as on 29th July 2021 is Rs.108.21 Per Liter & Diesel Price is Rs.96.33 Per Liter.
KOSO have defined and implemented a mandatory policy to wear SAFETY HELMETS while riding motorcycles, which poses a risk to their lives.
With this in view the company requests all employees to wear a safety helmet when riding a motorcycle and any person not wearing a safety helmet will denied entry in factory premises.
KOSO is serious about working ethically at all times. Our ethics policy sets out standards for our code of ethics. It’s essential that all employees, advisers and agents meet the highest ethical standards whenever they do business anywhere in the world. We believe that sound ethical conduct deepens trust and aids collaboration and teamwork, both within our business and in our dealings with customers.BUSINESS INTEGRITY
KOSO insists on integrity, honesty and fairness in all aspects of business and we seek the same from those with whom we do business, directly and indirectly. No employee may directly or indirectly offer, pay, solicit or accept a bribe, or any other such payment which may be construed as such, in any form. Political donations by or on behalf of KOSO are also prohibited.Gifts and entertainment may only be offered to any third party if they are consistent with customary business practices, modest in value and not in contravention of any applicable law. No employee should seek or accept a personal gift or entertainment that might reasonably be believed to influence commercial activity or the decision-making process. No employee should act in a manner that may bring KOSO into disrepute.
Employees must avoid private, financial or business activities (including those of immediate members of their families) that conflict with their responsibilities to KOSO.
All business transactions must be lawful, reflected accurately and fairly in KOSO’s accounts in accordance with established procedures and be subject to audit. KOSO’s accounting records will accurately reflect and describe the nature of the underlying transactions. Illegal, unfair or unethical practices are not acceptable.
At KOSO, we recognize our corporate responsibility to six main groups of stakeholders. Below are our pledges to each group.TO CUSTOMERS
To win and retain customers by developing and providing products and services that helps them to run successful businesses. To promote customer satisfaction, to be responsive to customer comments and complaints.TO EMPLOYEES
To respect the human rights of all employees, whether directly employed or sub-contracted, consistent with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To provide and maintain safe conditions of work, with competitive terms and conditions of employment. Not to use any form of under-age or forced labour, and to act consistently with the International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.To promote diversity by selecting, developing and retaining employees on the basis of ability and qualifications for the work performed, without any form of discrimination or prejudice under any circumstances. To insist that harassment does not take place under any circumstances.
To encourage the involvement of employees in the planning and direction of their work.
To seek mutually beneficial relationships with contractors, suppliers and joint-venture partners. To require that, so far as practicable, all of these adhere to business principles consistent with our own.TO THE COMMUNITY
To conduct business as responsible corporate citizens, to observe the laws of land, to give proper regard to the health, safety and the environment of local communities, and to be sensitive to and supportive of local cultural, social, educational and economic needs.TO SHAREHOLDERS
To build shareholder value through growth and total shareholder return. To conduct our operations in accordance with accepted principles of good corporate governance. To provide timely and accurate information on our activities and performance. To build and protect our reputation and our brand.TO COMPETITORS
To respect the confidentiality of any competitor data that may be offered. KOSO employees should not solicit or accept any confidential competitor data. Any data received unsolicited should be destroyed. KOSO employees should never ‘bad mouth’ any competitors.HEALTH, SAFETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT
It is KOSO’s policy to establish and manage safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. We seek effective and efficient ways to protect and enhance the environment in which we live and operate.COMPLIANCE, MONITORING AND REPORTING
The KOSO senior management team is responsible for communicating this Ethics Code to all employees and for ensuring its contents are understood and adhered to. Day-to-day responsibility in this regard is delegated to the senior team at KOSO. Each employee is expected to make himself or herself aware of, and deal appropriately with, all significant legal, ethical and accounting considerations relevant to their work for the company.Compliance with this Code is monitored and reviewed by the senior management team of KOSO as part of its risk management process, supported by relevant committees.
Breaches of the Code must be reported to relevant senior managers of KOSO. Breaches by an employee may be a disciplinary offence. KOSO has a ‘whistle blowing’ policy that encourages employees to report breaches of this Code and other concerns in confidence. Under this policy, KOSO will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no party suffers unjustified detriment and, equally, that no KOSO employee engages in victimization in any form.
The Code is intended to foster a search for continuous improvement in all aspects of our performance. It will therefore be reviewed annually and will be referred to in KOSO’s Annual Report as part of an ongoing improvement program.
The company implements a strict No Smoking policy anywhere inside the offices, factory or company cars.
Therefore any employee, supplier, customer who wishes to smoke must do so outside the factory building i.e. near the car parking area.
This policy is intended to address Koso India (“the Company”) and all its plants.Succession planning is a process designed to ensure that the company identifies and develops a talent pool of employees through mentoring, training and job rotation to replace key business leaders within the company as those key business leaders leave their positions.
1.1. To ensure the Company is prepared with a plan to support operation and service continuity when the Managing Director (“MD”), senior management or key business leader leave their positions;1.2. To prepare a supply of suitably qualified and motivated employees for higher roles and responsibilities;
1.3. To develop career paths for employees which will facilitate the Company’s ability to recruit and retain top - performing or high talent employees;
2.1. Both the Board and the MD have pivotal roles to play in succession planning;2.2. The Board is responsible for succession planning for the MD position. The Board should hire or internally promote the new MD, when the existing MD leaves, and ensure the new MD has the required skills to implement the Company’s mission and vision;
2.3. The Board should have prepared themselves with an interim solution when MD leaves; and
2.4. The MD is responsible for ensuring a succession plan is in place for other key positions in the Group with the assistance from the senior management team.
A primary responsibility of the Board is planning for MD succession and overseeing the identification and development of executive talent.3.1. The Board, with the assistance of the MD and Human Resources (HR) department, oversees succession plans for the MD and other executive officers to provide for continuity in senior management.
3.2. The Board works with the MD to plan for MD succession. The succession plan covers identification of internal candidates, development plans for internal candidates, and appropriate identification of external candidates.
3.3. The Board periodically reviews the MD succession plan. The criteria used to assess potential MD candidates are formulated based on the Company’s business strategies, and include strategic vision, leadership, and operational execution.
3.4. The Board maintains an emergency succession contingency plan should an unforeseen event such as death or disability occurs that prevents the MD from continuing to serve. The plan identifies the individuals who would act in an emergency and their responsibilities.
3.5 In the event of an unplanned MD departure, the following procedures will be followed to insure that the Company’s operations are not interrupted while the Board identifies a successor MD.
A. Within ten (10) business days, the Board will meet, either in-person or telephonically, and will appoint an interim MD from within the company or form a joint committee of 2 members from Senior Management Team to take the responsibility of MD.
B. Within thirty (30) days, the Board will appoint an Executive Committee that shall be comprised of the Chairman of the Board and at least two other Directors as the Board shall designate. It shall be the responsibility of this Committee to implement the following transition plan:
i. Consider the need for consulting assistance (i.e., transition management or executive search consultant) based on the circumstances of the transition.
ii. Review the Company’s business plan and conduct a brief assessment of the Company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to identify priority issues that may need to be addressed during the transition process and to identify attributes and characteristics that are important to consider in the selection of the next MD.
iii. Create a profile of a MD candidate to meet the Company’s then current needs.
iv. Establish meaningful search criteria taking into consideration the Company’s objectives, measures, targets and needs.
v. Establish a time frame and plan for the recruitment and selection process.
vi. Interview the candidates and make recommendations to the Board.
C. A majority of Directors (individually or collectively as the Board) will meet with one or more of the candidates on the short list to succeed as MD.
The primary responsibility of the MD and HR department is succession planning for Senior Management Team in the event of any vacancy, whether such vacancy exists by reason of an anticipated retirement, an unanticipated departure, the expansion of the size of the company, or otherwise.If the HR department anticipates that a Director slot/Senior Management position shall become vacant within the next twelve months (whether by reason of an announced intent to retire or otherwise), or if such position suddenly becomes vacant (whether by death or otherwise), the HR shall as soon as reasonably practicable recommend to the MD, sufficient number of candidates for selection.
The HR and MD shall also review the list of high performer employees (based on their years of experience, past self-evaluation and KRA assessments) within the Company that may be potential candidates for elevation to the position of Senior Management and can also consider them in case of any vacancy arising at the Senior Management position.
Senior Management consist of:-
1. Director Operations
2. Director Sales & Marketing
3. Director Design
4. Assembly Head
5. Machine shop Head
6. Purchase Head
7. Marketing Head
8. Quality Assurance Head
9. Quality Control Head
10. Finance Head
11. Human Resource Head
This policy lays out the events which need to be informed to Koso Japan management. This policy also lists items which need prior permission from Koso Japan Management.Management
Koso India company is managed by a group of professionals forming the Senior Management Team, who have been appoints with due care and assessment.The main goal of the business is grow the company in a structured and risk free manner. The MD and management team is capable to take decisions for the day to day running of the business but there are certain cases which require intimation and or permission from the Koso Japan management. Some of these things are listed as
1. Intimation regarding the resignation, termination of a member of Senior Management Team (SMT)
2. Intimation regarding hiring of a member of Senior Management Team
3. Intimation of any potential risk to the business, assets, employees etc
4. Approval of yearly budget
5. Approval of major investment outside budget
6. Approval of salary increase
7. Approval of bonus of MD/SMT
8. Approval for buying land, building, office
9. Intimation of any other unusual or extraordinary event
10. Intimation of any fraud or potential fraud, investigation etc
The approval shall be taken from Koso group president, preferably by sending an email or on phone in case of urgency.
The Koso group president shall be intimated of the above listed events, as soon as possible, and within minimum time of MD knowing of such event or risks. A monthly operations letter shall be sent to Koso Group President with the performance of the business as a whole and specific areas.
The Purpose of this Policy
Koso India is committed to complying with the foreign and domestic laws applicable, satisfying the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics, and particularly to assuring that business is conducted with integrity and that the Company’s financial information is accurate. If potential violations of Company policies or applicable laws are not recognized and addressed promptly, both the Company and those working for or with the Company could face governmental investigation, prosecution, fines, and other penalties.Consequentially, and to promote the highest ethical standards, the Company will maintain a workplace that facilitates the reporting of potential violations of Company policies and applicable laws. Employees must be able to raise concerns regarding such potential violations easily and free of any fear of retaliation. That is the purpose of this policy.
Your Duty to Report
Everyone is required to report to the Company any suspected violation of any law that applies to the Company and any suspected violation of the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. It is important that you report all suspected violations. This includes possible accounting or financial reporting violations, bribery or violations of the anti-retaliation aspects of this Policy. Retaliation includes adverse actions, harassment or discrimination in your employment relating to your reporting of a suspected violation.It is the policy of the Company that you must, when you reasonably suspect that a violation of an applicable law or the Company's Code of Conduct and Ethics has occurred or is occurring, report that potential violation. Reporting is crucial for early detection, proper investigation and remediation, and deterrence of violations of Company policies or applicable laws. You should not fear any negative consequences for reporting reasonably suspected violations because retaliation for reporting suspected violations is strictly prohibited by Company policy. Failure to report any reasonable belief that a violation has occurred or is occurring is itself a violation of this Policy and such failure will be addressed with appropriate disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.
How to Report
You must report all suspected violations to(i) your immediate supervisor;
(ii) the Managing Directors;
If you have reason to believe that your immediate supervisor or the Managing Director is involved in the suspected violation, your report may be made to the other official Board of Directors of the company.
Because you have several means of reporting, you need never report to someone you believe may be involved in the suspected violation or from whom you would fear retaliation. Your report should include as much information about the suspected violation as you can provide. Where possible, it should describe the nature of the suspected violation; the identities of persons involved in the suspected violation; a description of documents that relate to the suspected violation; and the time frame during which the suspected violation occurred. Where you have not reported anonymously, you may be contacted for further information.
Investigations after You Report
All reports under this Policy will be promptly and appropriately investigated, and all information disclosed during the course of the investigation will remain confidential, except as necessary to conduct the investigation and take any remedial action, in accordance with applicable law. Everyone working for or with the Company has a duty to cooperate in the investigation of reports of violations. Failure to cooperate in an investigation, or deliberately providing false information during an investigation, can be the basis for disciplinary action, including termination of employment. If, at the conclusion of its investigation, the Company determines that a violation has occurred, the Company will take effective remedial action commensurate with the nature of the offense. This action may include disciplinary action against the accused party, up to and including termination. Reasonable and necessary steps will also be taken to prevent any further violations of Company policy.Retaliation is not Tolerated
No one may take any adverse action against any employee for complaining about, reporting, or participating or assisting in the investigation of, a reasonably suspected violation of any law, this Policy or the Company’s Code of Conduct and Ethics. The Company takes reports of such retaliation seriously.Incidents of retaliation against any employee reporting a violation or participating in the investigation of a reasonably suspected violation will result in appropriate disciplinary action against anyone responsible, including possible termination of employment. Those working for or with the Company who engage in retaliation against reporting employees may also be subject to civil, criminal and administrative penalties.
Document Retention
All documents related to reporting, investigation and enforcement pursuant to this Policy shall be kept in accordance with the Company’s record retention policy.Vehicle Check Policy at Security Gate
• To streamline the procedure of Vehicle Check movement of the facility.• To maintain discipline, industrial security, safety, vigilance within the plant.
• To maintain the record of Transporters vehicles including truck, tempo, container, pickup van, jeep etc.
• Transporters vehicles including truck, tempo, container, pickup van, jeep etc. entering the Facility shall be issued with Gate-Pass with identity batch.• All incoming and outgoing vehicles, transport shall be subject to security check.
Company Transport / Personal Transport
• All transport vehicles, truck, tempo, container, pickup van, jeep etc. incoming or outgoing shall be checked at Main-Gate by the Security team.• All personal / official cars / vehicles of company- executives except Company - Directors shall be subject to customary security – check at Main – Gate.
• For two wheeler riders Helmet is compulsory.
• Security-personnel shall confirm the use of Helmet by every employee coming on two-wheeler.
• Every transporter and co-person shall wear Identity- Card conspicuously.
Motorized gate - The second entrance of the Company have a motorized gate. It is installed in conjunction with boom barrier to increase the efficiency in regulating employee entry after and carry out security check prior to authorizing employee entry / exit.
After parking two wheeler and four wheeler in parking area authorized employee can enter in main operation area thru. This second entrance. Employee will be search at second entrance and then he / she can move out from factory premises.
Office staff will be security check at main gate while leaving office.
Hand held metal detectors (HHMD) should be installed at gates to check incoming / outgoing personnel for any unauthorized metal objects.
Security allows the contract workers inside the company after checking the name list given to security. Security allows the contract workers to leave the company after a physical check at the second and main gate.
All vehicles shall be allowed to be parked in the parking zone demarcated.Visitors
All visitors shall be received at security office. Security shall enquire and ascertain that the purpose of their visit is legitimate, co-ordinate with concerned department head, issue him Gate-Pass with identity batch and direct him towards reception and meet the concern officials in visitor’s room.Visitors are not allowed to bring any camera, video within the establishment without permission from Directors or HR Head in writing.
Visitors are not allowed to go in manufacturing plant without permission from concern officials.
Smoking / Chewing Tobacco / Gutkha Strictly Prohibited
In company premises employees are strictly prohibited to chew tobacco / gutaka or smoking.No employee shall report for duty under influence of alcohol, drug. If found, he will be medically examined and on confirmation, disciplinary action will be initiated.
Material Security
Every Manager, Engineer, Supervisor is responsible for the security of company’s assets in the plant / department / area.Incoming Material
All incoming material shall be supported by Delivery Challan. Security shall record the entry of material in “Inward Register” with quantity in accordance with the Delivery Challan. The quantity shall be counted by the security and put stamp “Received” however the quantity of material coming in transport, boxes in bulk quantity can not be counted by security at Main-Gate. It shall be sent to the store department. It shall be the responsibility of store department to count the exact quantity as per Delivery Challan.The security shall issued the “Received” stamp only after getting confirmation from store.
If the material is rejected by store department, it will allow to go outside establishment with proper “Rejected Gate-Pass”.
Material shall only be allowed to be taken out of the establishment through the store department on proper authorization.
All incoming material or outgoing material shall be supported by proper challan / Gate-Pass.
Returnable Materials
• Any material, goods, equipment’s which are leaving the establishment for a temporary duration shall not be away from the establishment for more than four weeks.• The Returnable Gate-Pass shall be issued only through the store department specifying the date of material receiving back.
• The security department shall bring any items that are not returned within four weeks, to the notice of concern or Stores Department.
Non -Returnable Material
• Any material, goods, equipment’s, going out of the establishment shall be supported with Proper Challan, Gate-pass etc.• The material, goods which is billable shall go with proper bill, store formalities.
• The quantity of outgoing material shall be counted / confirm by security and ensure in accordance with challan, Gate-Pass etc.
Any material, equipment to be brought inside the establishment for the purpose of Sample / demo / trial etc. will be allowed with proper delivery challan / Gate-pass.Contract Work
The contractor shall submit to the security following documents before commencement of the work• The copy of work order
• Declaration cum Delivery Challan of material, equipment’s, tools etc. to be taken inside the establishment on returnable basis approved by HOD.
• Permission for HRD for having made statutory compliance.
• The contractor will be allowed to take the material, goods, equipment’s, after completion of work with approval of HOD.
We at KIPL are committed for our social responsibility to not support and associate with any known individual, group or organization which encourages use conflict minerals in their product and services.
We do not and will not knowingly procure any minerals or material from the conflict mines of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Rwanda, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Zambia. The primary minerals and metals that could potentially come from conflict mines are,
• Cassiterite (tin)
• Gold
• Cobalt
• Coltan (niobium and tantalum)
• Wolframite (tungsten)
• Pyrochlore (niobium)
Following is our program to support of our policy, as KIPL will,
- Identify and select suppliers which do not knowingly violate our “Conflict minerals Policy”.
- Blacklist the known suppliers which are directly linked with conflict minerals of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Rwanda, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Zambia.
- Provide, and expect our suppliers to cooperate in providing due diligence information to confirm that tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold in our supply chain are “conflict free”.
- Commit to transparency in the implementation of this policy by making available reports on our progress to relevant stakeholders and the public when required.
Human Trafficking Policy
This policy describes KOSO’s guiding principles with respect to combating trafficking in persons.KOSO is opposed to all forms of trafficking in persons and is committed to mitigating the risk of trafficking in persons in connection with its operations and programs. KOSO is committed to full compliance with the Government’s laws, regulations, and policies that prohibit trafficking in persons, any other regulations from other agencies and governments, as applicable. KOSO leadership understands the importance of anti-trafficking and has devoted resources to promote compliance.
This policy applies to:• KOSO staff and Executives, including the Board of Directors
• KOSO suppliers, sub-contractors, contractors, vendors and their employees
General Guideline
KOSO prohibits:• Engaging in any form of human trafficking
• Engaging in commercial sex acts that may be directly associated with KOSO, which includes during work hours, while attending off-site functions, and any time in work travel status
• Using forced labor of any kind for any reason
• Destroying, concealing, confiscating, or otherwise denying access by an employee to the employee’s identity documents.
• Using misleading or fraudulent recruiting practices
• Charging employee candidates recruitment fees for employment
• Failing to pay contractually agreed return transportation costs for certain employees who have finished employment outside that employee’s nation of residence.
• Failing to provide proof of employment or similar work document in writing prior to the employee departing from his or her country of origin.
Policy Implementation
KOSO will implement this policy through:1. Awareness of Policy and awareness training
2. Incident reporting.
Receipt of the Policy and Training
All KOSO staff will acknowledge & understanding overall Combating Trafficking in Persons Policy and accompanying resources upon hire. KOSO employees are responsible for complying with this policy as well as completing any associated training mandated as a condition of continued employment. When engaging outside parties, KOSO staff will ensure that the requirements of this policy are communicated to KOSO Vendors, independent contractors.Incident Reporting
All KOSO staff are required to use their best judgments to report any suspected trafficking activity to HR Manager.Enforcement
Any violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action that may include but is not limited to termination of employment for KOSO employees and termination of the relationship with KOSO for non-employees.KOSO prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports any violation of this policy or who cooperates with any investigation of such reports. Employees who engage in any retaliation or other violation will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination of employment and reporting to local authorities as appropriate. Any supplier or supplier personnel engages in any prohibited activities, fails to report suspicious activities, or engages in retaliatory actions will be subject to action including termination of the business relationship and reporting as appropriate.
Bottom Padding
The traffic conditions in Nashik have worsened over the past few years; the government has enforced some road safety norms which have not been implemented effectively. We have observed that a number of our employees do not wear SAFETY HELMETS while riding motorcycles, which poses a risk to their lives. With this in view the company requests all employees to wear a safety helmet when riding a motorcycle and any person not wearing a safety helmet will denied entry in factory premises w.e.f. 1st December 2007.
Bottom Padding

IS Policies
The organization recognizes and accepts that its employees may keep personal web logs (blogs) on the Internet and that Internet social networking sites are a useful way of interacting socially with colleagues and friends. While the organization does not wish to discourage employees from accessing such sites on the Internet (whilst at work), nonetheless it expects certain standards of conduct to be observed to protect both its legitimate business interests and its employees from the dangers of inappropriate use. This policy applies both inside and, in certain circumstances, outside the workplace. Use of the corporate social networking site is for the purpose of sharing and disseminating information across the organisation and may be accessed at any time by employees. [optional] Procedure In the workplace Employees must not access social networking sites/the corporate social networking site during working hours. Access using the organization ’s IT systems is restricted to lunch breaks and before and after the working day, unless specific permission is granted by the line manager. Employees may/may not use the organizations corporate social networking site for personal blogs. [optional] Employees must make it clear when posting information or comments on the corporate social networking site that any personal views which are expressed do not represent those of the organization . Employees must not post information on a social networking site which is confidential to the organization , its suppliers or customers. Employees must refrain from making reference on a social networking site to the organization , its employees, its customers and its suppliers. Employees must not post entries on the corporate social networking site/a social networking site which are derogatory, defamatory, discriminatory or offensive in any way, or which could bring the organization into disrepute. Employees should be aware that blogs may create documents which the courts can order to be disclosed for use in litigation. Consequently, employees will be assumed to have written any contentious items unless they can prove definitively that they have not done so. The organization will monitor its IT systems as is deemed necessary in order to prevent inappropriate usage. Hard copy of blog entries will be used in any disciplinary proceedings. Outside the workplace Employees must not make reference to the organization , its customers or its employees on social networking sites. Offensive, defamatory or inappropriate comments about the organization , its customers, suppliers or any of its employees that employees write on social networking sites will not be tolerated. Employees must not make discriminatory or offensive comments about work colleagues on social networking sites. Employees must not divulge confidential information about, or belonging to, the organization , its customers or suppliers on social networking sites. Disciplinary action Employees whose conduct breaches this policy in any way will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the organizations disciplinary procedure up to, and including, dismissal. Any blog entries made inside or outside the workplace that are defamatory, derogatory, or discriminatory about the organization, its customers, suppliers or employees will be investigated as gross misconduct. If substantiated, such conduct may lead to summary dismissal after the due process of the organizations disciplinary procedure has been followed. [optional]IS SECURITY POLICIES
1. Background The use of E-mail, the Internet and laptops, has during the recent years dramatically increased. E-mails, including Microsoft Outlook and the Internet, have become an important business tools for the Company, but also constitute risks. These instruction sets out the rules, regulations and guidelines for the employees to use IS facilities so as make optimum use of the resources; and to control the risks and exposures and to avoid misuse. 2. E-mail Microsoft Outlook is the standard IS Facility to be used for internal E-mail. and for E-mail with third parties not belonging to Koso. E-mail sent to third parties is transferred through the Internet mail service which has to be accessed through Microsoft Outlook. 3. The Internet The Internet, when used in a correct way, can give substantial customer value both in marketing as well as in after-market activities but may, if not correctly used, also expose Koso to large risks such as: (i) Illegal access of third parties to the Company’s facilities 4. Responsibility of the User 4.1 Responsibility for Proper Use of Koso IS Facilities 5. Supervision of the Use of E-mail and the Internet The Company will decide which of their employees shall be connected to the Lotus Notes E-mail facility and which of their employees shall have access to the Internet. Koso India employees are not authorized for any email communication through personal
email ID and same is monitor by Koso IT personal on regular basis. 6. Retention of Records E-mail and Internet publications are subject to the same legal prescriptions as valid for retention of hard copies of documents. Unless otherwise prescribed by local legislation, electronic information may be archived on appropriate electronic storage media. The Company shall ensure that employees are informed on applicable legal requirements with respect to archiving documents. 7. Implementation, Local Legislation The Company shall ensure that their employees are informed through distribution of this Instruction, of other appropriate rules, regulations and guidelines for the use of E-mail and the Internet as contained herein.
Rules for the Use of the Koso PVT. LTD. IS Facilities Things you should DO: 1. Be aware that by communicating through Company IS Facilities you will be regarded by recipients as a representative of Koso Pvt. Care should be taken to communicate at all times in a professional and courteous manner. 2. Be aware that it is easy to misaddress messages - always check recipient names before sending a message out. 3. Always provide a meaningful subject line to outgoing communication. 4. Check communication for clarity and professionalism. 5. Use carbon copies ("cc:") sparingly. Inform only those who need to know otherwise you consume valuable resources needed by others. 6. Avoid trivial responses. 7. Refrain from adding too many attachments to your communication. Compression tools such as Winzip must be used whenever possible. 8. Delete outdated messages from live mailboxes and folders but make sure that relevant documents are properly saved and archived, either as hard copy or electronically, in accordance with applicable legislation. 9. Remember that messages you send out can be forwarded without your knowledge - don't assume the recipient keeps your message confidential. 10. Remember that all laws governing copyright, defamation, discrimination and other forms of written communication also apply to communication through Company IS facilities. 11. Remember that communication through Company IS facilities may generate legal obligations for the Company and that in this respect all internal rules of competence and form must be observed. Things you should NOT DO 1. Don't use Company IS facilities for the release of information that is commercially sensitive or contentious; or may have contractual or other legal implications for the Company, unless encrypted and or authorised. 2. Don't issue information that infringes copyright or other intellectual property rights. 3. Don't issue emotional, hasty, angry or otherwise heated communications. 4. Don't store personal messages in the Company IS facilities, especially any that may be classified as obtained through misuse of the IS facilities. Delete these messages immediately and inform the sender to refrain from sending similar messages in the future. 6. Don't load any unauthorised or unlicensed software onto Company IS facilities. The Company provides you with fully licenced software that you need to conduct Company business. 7. Don't download or receive music / video (or similar) online as this consumes Company resources. The only exception is where this is needed to conduct Company business. Misuse of Company IS facilities includes, but is not limited to the following matters. Engaging in any communication, (including but not limited to logging into sites, saving, down loading and distribution) that causes harm the Company’s reputation or its relationship with its business partners; or which may embarrass business partners of the Company. Engaging in any communication that intimidates, embarrasses or injures the dignity of another person or company, or that is perceived as hostile on the basis of nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religious believe or disability (physical or mental), including specifically, without limitation, pornography, racism and Nazism. - Hate or vulgar communication. - Religious or political communication. - Engaging in communication of indecent material. - Originating or forwarding chain letters. Using the Company IS facilities for jeopardizing or attacking the integrity of the Company, or third party's networks or data End User Security Objective: To minimise the damage from security incidents and malfunctions, and to monitor and learn from such incidents. To prevent unauthorised user access. Users shall follow good security practices in the selection and use of passwords. Users must ensure viruses do not enter or leave their system via electronic mail, boot-diskettes or by similar means Users should: IT equipment used outside the Company must be subject to security protection IT equipment (regardless of ownership) used outside Company premises to support business activities should be subject to an equivalent degree of security protection, as office equipment. The following guidelines shall be applied: DATA EXCHANGE
Business and security risks associated with the use of Lotus Notes shall be reduced through the utilisation of built-in security features in Notes. |
Laptops & IT equipment policy |
Objective To ensure proper management, usage, and security of the laptops & IT equipment (Desktops, Printers, Monitors, Keyboards, Tabs, IT Peripherals etc.) issued to Employees of Koso. Application This policy applies to all those employees who have been issued a Laptop & IT equipment. Eligibility Laptops & IT Equipment will be allocated to users based upon job responsibilities, demonstrated need and solely by the Management discretion. Criteria for selection
Approval process All requests for employee Laptops must go through an approval process that will involve approval from the HOD. The applicant must first secure approval from the department head, who will submit this request via Email to the IT and the approved copy will be forwarded to the Purchase department for procurement. The process for turning in and receiving Laptop, IT Equipment is documented through the completion and signing the appropriate Form by the employee as well as the IT department. Following are the terms and conditions that apply to employees who are issued a Laptop / IT equipment:
NOTE: The IT department will be responsible for assessing damage and/or market value in the event of laptop and IT equipment damage and sending recovery details to HR for any deductions. |